Hello! We are a team of ordinary volunteers who hope to inspire and start movements of fellow Singaporeans to start their own small homeless outreach groups likewise. Just two or three, can already, who will take time to see – and stop for the one in need. Since 2019, HHOS has been a partner of MSF’s Partners Engaging and Empowering Rough Sleepers (PEERS) network.
HHOS is a secular homeless / rough-sleeping befriending group based on Christian values (as the co-founders are Christians). But it’s open to all – regardless of race, language or religion. So we hope to help them in whatever ways possible, whether advocating for them, or befriending, or ministering to them – both to the homeless and those who have houses but are homeless in heart.
Thus, our team takes a relational approach in helping the homeless, and help them find and get to the relevant social services. We also enjoy partnering with fellow like-minded and like-hearted community partners who care for our homeless friends too. Stop for the ONE in need – that’s our motto and modus operandi!
If you wish to volunteer, please click here to sign up, or if you wish to donate, please click here. Thank you and God bless!
Our Stories So Far
- (24 Sep) How Homeless Hearts began: Extraordinary People: A friend to the homeless – CNA (channelnewsasia.com)
- (13 Jan) 冷天袭狮城 好心人100被单送露宿老人保暖 | 联合早报 (zaobao.com.sg)
- (6 Jul) Abraham Yeo sharing about HHOS with City of Good SG
It all began on a trip to Japan, when he was helping out tsunami survivors who had been displaced from their homes. That experience opened Abraham’s eyes to notice Singapore’s own forgotten population and to start Homeless Hearts of Singapore, a group that cares for and befriends this forgotten population.If you aspire to start your own initiative to do good like Abraham, we’re here to help you make a difference. #CityofGood
- (26 Oct) Poor in the Land of Crazy Rich Asians – New Naratif
- (30 Oct) Father’s Heart for the Homeless symposium held at St. Andrew’s Cathedral: The Church is God’s finest answer to the problem of homelessness (thirst.sg)
- (Dec) Homeless Hearts holding its first homelessness symposium: Facebook
- (26 Jun) HHOS mentioned in former NMP Anthea Ong’s call for whole-of-society approach: Greater whole-of-society push needed to tackle homelessness – TODAY (todayonline.com)
- (25 Jul) HHOS part of MSF’s PEERS Network (officially launched in Jul 2019): Partnerships make a difference: Minister Desmond Lee’s Facebook post
- (30 Jul) HHOS organising free healthcare event for the homeless: ‘You don’t know our pain’: Helping the homeless find their way home – CNA (channelnewsasia.com)
- (8 Nov) Homeless in Singapore: Results from a Nationwide Street Count (nus.edu.sg)
- (11 Nov) HHOS featured in Helping Singapore’s homeless | The Straits Times – YouTube
- (13 Nov) Abraham and Cheng Yu: We Invited the Homeless to Our Wedding – YMI
- (20 Nov) “Loving the poor and needy shouldn’t be seen as radical”: More Christians open doors to homeless — Salt&Light (saltandlight.sg)
2020: Building a City of Refuge in the COVID-19 Pandemic
When COVID-19 hit Singapore, it revealed inadequacies in Singapore’s social support systems. Fortunately, the MSF PEERS Network had been started the year before, so HHOS and fellow PEERS + other community partners jumped into action to help shelter, equip, and mobilise the community to open their spaces to help host homeless people both from Singapore and other countries. We helped sound a public call for more community groups, especially the religious ones, to open up their spaces to help host the homeless during this period.
- (18 Jan) How HHOS helped a pastor get his church to start an S3P: “Many haven’t experienced God’s love, so let’s be on the lookout”: Yio Chu Kang Chapel, which opens its doors to the homeless — Salt&Light (saltandlight.sg)
- (12 Feb) “Don’t just do Bible study, go out into the streets!”: Advocate for the homeless and Singaporean of the Year finalist Abraham Yeo — Salt&Light (saltandlight.sg)
- (25 Feb) Heroes Unmasked: ‘These are our friends’ — volunteers keep helping homeless even after group suspends outreach – TODAY (todayonline.com)
- (19 Mar) Panel to discuss how to help homeless people in Singapore, Latest Singapore News – The New Paper (straitstimes.com)
- (21 Mar) HHOS partnering with Streams of Life to encourage Singaporeans to support stranded / homeless Malaysians: Home away from Home: Churches and charities express God’s love to stranded Malaysian workers — Salt&Light (saltandlight.sg)
- (30 Mar) The Straits Times: A journey in helping the homeless in Singapore
- (9 Apr) “Do not be afraid to do what is good”: Homeless Hearts appeals for people to open up empty spaces for the homeless — Salt&Light (saltandlight.sg)
- (13 Apr) #CityOfRefuge appeal for community to open up S3Ps (Safe Sound Sleeping Places) for the homeless: Homeless shelters at capacity as ranks swell: NGO – Coconuts
- HHOS & Solve n+1 partnered to start Open Home Network 1.0 in June 2020:
- (29 Nov) Derek Lim – 2020 SG Silent Hero – Singapore Silent Heroes | Ordinary Humans. Extraordinary Humanity. (sgsilentheroes.com
- (8 Dec) One of our volunteers, Peng Cheng Yu, was awarded a Healthcare Humanity Award in part for her healthcare work with the homeless: 95 healthcare professionals, caregivers and volunteers receive Healthcare Humanity Awards | The Straits Times
2021: Building a City of Refuge: A Sustainable Whole-Of-Society Approach
While HHOS was quieter this year in terms of publicity, we still had a lot of work to do. We realised that homeless families were one of the most vulnerable groups of people, with serious ramifications for their children. After witnessing a homeless family break up under the stress of homelessness and financial strain, we knew we had to step up in terms of providing greater support to homeless families. But in the same year, we also saw how the cost of renting flats on the open-market was soaring month after month, non-stop. That, combined with the shortage of rental flats and the backlog of shelters being full, and religious groups returning their spaces back to their normal services, would spell trouble for those struggling with housing instability. Furthermore, if local Singaporeans were facing these kind of crises, what about stateless people / vulnerable transnational families?
So we sounded out a new public call in December for more families to consider opening up their homes (with guidance from Open Home Network) to host their fellow families in need. A couple volunteering with HHOS also took in a terminally-ill friend of theirs who was both homeless and stateless, so that he could spend his last moments in the warmth of their home instead of a cold hospital ward.
Media Mentions
- (9 Jul) Homeless in Singapore: Rough Sleepers Do Exist and Here’s 5 Organisations You Can Approach to Help Them (yahoo.com)
- (16 Jul) Our co-founder sharing about sustainable advocacy: How are Singapore’s advocates and activists sustaining themselves? | TheHomeGround Asia
- (4 Aug) A Heart for the Homeless: Derek Lim sheds light on homelessness in Singapore | Social Space (socialspacemag.org)
- (27 Aug) Heart For The Homeless – eNSman (safra.sg)
- (17 Sep) Loving & hosting a terminally-ill stateless and homeless friend: God is in the byways: A homeless tissue seller finds “church” in the streets of Holland Village — Salt&Light (saltandlight.sg)
- (24 Sep) HHOS’s virtual outreaches during lockdown: Don’t Put Your Love on Lockdown – YMI
- (19 Dec) An urgent appeal to help homeless families this Christmas (thirst.sg)
Two of our youth volunteers also presented their FYP theses this year on how the homeless handled the COVID-19 lockdown, and also how homeless youths handled their situations.
- Clara Soh:
- Cheong Ming Fang:
Events / Talks
- (7 May) Group speaker at Civil Service College’s 40th Foundation Course (FC) on “Engaging External Perspectives”
- (15 Jun) [HHOS x Youth Corps Singapore] Mission X (Poly) June Run: Interview with Resource Specialist
- (19 Jul) [Civil Service College x MSF PEERS] Public Service Week Learning Festival
- (23 Jul) Panel speaker for BGST’s talk by Dr Christine Pohl on “Making Room, Extending Christian Hospitality to our Neighbours.”
- (21 Sep) [HHOS x Youth Corps Singapore] Mission X (Poly) September Run: Interview with Resource Specialist
- (5 Oct) [HHOS x Youth Corps Singapore] Mission X (Poly) October Run: Interview with Resource Specialist
- (8 Oct) Speakers at New Hope Community Services (NHCS) on Rethinking Homelessness
- (29-30 Oct) HHOS & Project Providence teams sharing on panel discussion: N5 Conference: Financial Well-Being for the Lost, the Least and the Last.
- (5 Nov) HHOS sharing with Boys’ Brigade Company for BB Cares
Media Mentions / Interviews
- (7 May) PAP raises S$50,000 for 5 charities as part of Mother’s Day celebration – Mothership.SG – News from Singapore, Asia and around the world: HHOS one of the beneficiaries
- (10 Jun) Open Home Network 2.0 launched with the idea of tapping on some rental flats tenants to themselves be hosts for persons in crisis: [𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊… – Open Home Network | Facebook
Consultations with partners on the ground have revealed that certain occupants of rental flats have the potential to be mobilised as assets to provide temporary refuge to those in crisis & facing housing instability (i.e., PICs). This is due to a certain level of proximity, familiarity, and resonance with the issues faced by PICs, which can aid in developing the hosting relationship. We are currently co-creating the scope of the OHN 2.0 with HDB, MSF, NHCS, and HHOS.
- (15 Nov) Derek Lim sharing at SINGAPORE’S FIRST EVER FORUM ON HOMELESSNESS – EX-ROUGH SLEEPERS SHARE THEIR VOICES WITH YOUTH | Girls’ Brigade Singapore – A place for Every Girl (gb.org.sg)
- (4 Dec) CNA Insider: These Singaporeans opened their doors to a homeless person. Here’s what happened
- (6 Dec) XX Files – S1E110: Give the gift of support and not wrapped up gifts – CNA (channelnewsasia.com): Featuring Zizie Zuzantie Mohamed Said, one of our volunteer befrienders who also opened up her home to host a homeless family in 2021.
- (19 Dec) Homeless in Singapore: Interview With Abraham From Homeless Hearts – Little Day Out
Events / Talks
- (24 Jan) Friends of MSF Award at MSF Volunteer & Partner Awards 2022
- (17 Feb) Sharing session with TOUCH Elderly Group staff on homelessness in Singapore
- (26 Feb, 12 Mar, 26 Mar) Our volunteers participated in the Volunteer Training Programme by Singapore General Hospital (RHS Community Nursing) and PEERS Office/MSF
- (15 Mar) [HHOS x Youth Corps Singapore] Mission X (Poly) March Run
- (29 May) Co-founder Mervin and Head Volunteer Derek Lim interviewed for National University of Singapore’s Communities and Engagement Module
- (23 May) Helped out with Human Interest Library for PEERS Network Retreat 2022
- (28 Jun) Night Trail by New Hope Community Services & HHOS with National Youth Council’s Youth Corps Leaders Programme (Cohort 27-PSC)
- (19 Jul) Official launch of Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth’s SG Together Short Films (with HHOS as a contributor to one film on rough sleeping)
- (8 Sep) Sharing session on homelessness + engagement with rough sleepers at Temasek Polytechnic Community Service Club Induction Camp
- (20 Sep) [HHOS x Youth Corps Singapore] Mission X (Poly) Sept Run
- (4 Oct) [HHOS x Youth Corps Singapore] Mission X (Poly) Oct Run
- (14 Oct) Collaborated with College of Alice and Peter Tan (CAPT), National University of Singapore to run Rough Sleepers Trail at CAPT’s Community Engagement Festival (CE Fest)
- (25 Oct) oneforjesus.sg x HHOS Instagram live interview with Abraham and Mervin: “How do you know we love you?”
- (11 Nov) Collaborated with MSF PEERS Network for a 2022 single-night street count and survey of rough sleepers
- (22 Nov) Part of closed-door discussion group in MND-HDB’s Engagement on the New Singles Rental Housing Typology that consulted community partners and stakeholders including HHOS
- (10 Dec) Mental Health Sharing by IMH for HHOS and Catholic Welfare Services
Media Mentions / Interviews
- (19 Jan) ‘We just assumed he was sleeping’: Man found dead at Serangoon HDB block’s void deck was often seen sleeping rough there , Singapore News – AsiaOne
- (23 Apr) REPORT ON THE STREET COUNT OF ROUGH SLEEPERS 2022 (Ministry of Social and Family Development)
The research team consulted the Homeless Hearts of Singapore, a befriender group in the PEERS Network, on how volunteers could respectfully engage rough sleepers who were awake. The team also consulted our academic advisors and The Lighthouse, another befriender group in the PEERS Network, to ensure that survey questions were appropriate for rough sleepers to answer.
- (5 May) 0505【958生活气场】非盈利组织Homeless Hearts Of Singapore-Derek林诗铭
- (1 Aug) Hospitality as justice: Addressing homelessness in Singapore – The Methodist Church in Singapore:
The realisation of justice for the homeless requires not only short- term solutions such as temporary housing, food and clothing, but also long-term solutions and initiatives that allow for the changing of convictions and the imagining of pathways forward. For example, Homeless Hearts of Singapore (HHOS) aspires to help the homeless reintegrate into the community via temporary aid, advocacy, and local partnerships. Part of this involves inspiring volunteers to befriend the homeless in their own neighbourhoods, enabling a longer-term vision of full community support for reintegration. Many of the homeless that HHOS serves align with the primary demographic identified by the street count—older Singaporean men.