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25 Nov 2021: 亲爱的朋友,今天是非洲的生日,当我们在纪念他的当儿,我们很高兴能为他推出中文版的“起来,往前走”。“起来,往前走”记载了非洲的生命路程以及圣灵如何在他的生命里动工。非洲的心愿是与大家分享他的故事,所以大家请参阅 中文 ,下载及和亲朋好友们分享这本书。谢谢和愿主祝福你。
17 Sep 2021: Dear friends, on 17 Sep 2021, one of the co-founders and his wife took in a terminally-ill homeless friend who is also stateless to stay with them until he passed on a couple of hours later at 5.09pm. You may read more about our friend Wong Hui Chew here, and also his story of being stateless in Singapore.
The Story
Seven years ago, Hui Chew sensed a prompting to start working on writing a book about his story to encourage those around him. However, there was a minor catch: he was illiterate, so that made writing a book a bit harder. Thankfully, a few friends from different churches came along and started helping him write his book and journeyed with him all the way till his last breath (literally). They started a Christian fellowship group which Hui Chew named “Happy Lifegroup”.

Now, today, we are really happy to share with you Hui Chew’s book ‘Get Up and Go‘. This book is a collection of memories, pictures, interviews with Hui Chew, who has been stateless from birth, and testimonies from friends with an aim to fulfil Hui Chew’s endearing dream of having his story told to many.
This book is not meant to be an inspirational book. It is not meant to paint a polished picture of those on the fringes of society. It is meant to showcase an ordinary nearly-Singaporean person who has been told that he belongs nowhere, by the faceless system of the only country he has lived in all his life.
There exists an underbelly of people within our pristine society that God is revealing His heart for. We believe that Happy LG is one such example of God’s solution to love, befriend and advocate for each of these individuals. God is doing a new thing – are we ready to do things differently too?
Click here now to download Get Up And Go.
P.S.: This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever, namely: You may copy it, give it away or reuse it as long as it similarly remains free for your readers and you acknowledge the title and the author. If in doubt, please write in to [email protected] or PM us at https://facebook.com/wonghuichew/ for more details.
- God, all glory and honour belongs to you.
- A big thank you to Alva Huang who responded to God’s call to write a book, and stuck with it for all these years even when it was difficult to write.
- To every Happy LG member both past and present, thank you for your prayers, love and various contributions to this book.
- To our beloved team of editors Sim Peck Hwee and Bernice Lee, your expertise truly brought this story to life.
- To our book layout, cover photo and design artist Chessa Lim, thank you for making this look beautiful.
- Special thanks to authors Timothy O’Grady, Shawn Wang, and Russ Soh for sharing your book-writing experiences and inspiring us.
- Grateful for Homeless Hearts of Singapore for hosting Hui Chew’s ebook!
- And to everyone who has been part of this journey, thank you.
For more updates, please visit https://facebook.com/wonghuichew/
“Happy Lifegroup (LG)” is a separate entity from Homeless Hearts of Singapore. Due to the nature of Hui Chew being both homeless and stateless, HHOS is happy (pun unintended) to partner with Happy LG to host this post to raise awareness of Hui Chew’s story to the public.

GET UP AND GO: A Christian Testimony of Mr. Wong Hui Chew – The Unknown Becomes Known by Alva Huang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://wonghuichew.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/GET_UP_AND_GO_Wong-Hui-Chew_ENG.pdf.